Jaqueline Fleming and a group of smiling people

Oechsler AG

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise won the tender thanks to a joint proposal with long-time business partner Oechsler Controlware GmbH, to come up with a solution.

  • 국가: 독일
  • 산업: 제조
  • 해결책: Autonomous Network, 데이터 센터, 연결된 솔루션 및 서비스

Established in 1864, Oechsler AG is now a major global plastics engineering and manufacturing company.

Headquartered in Ansbach, southern Germany, the company has three German locations, as well as international offices in China, Romania, Mexico and Singapore.

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise comes up with solution for a modern network with innovative components and a highly reliable and intelligent network management system, and also to supply the components and deliver training to Oechsler AG's IT team.

Oechsler AG logo
We created a completely new, modern foundation for our entire data and voice communications. We designed our infrastructure in a way that makes it innovative and flexible, provides high capacity and speed to the users, but remains reduced to the essential components.
Thomas Ehnes, Head of IT, Oechsler AG

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